Sunday, December 6, 2009

Christmas Music

Frequent Christmas music is a must for the Christmas/Advent season. And who better to get me into the Christmas spirit than Jewel! She's by no means a Christian music artist, but she's been one of my favorites since her first album debuted when I was in high school. When her Christmas album came out a number of years ago, I had to get it. I was so surprised to hear her sing almost all Christian songs- and even a Catholic one (Ave Maria)! Now every year at the start of the Christmas season, I bust out my Jewel and she sings- as only she can sing- my favorite renditions of Christmas classics over and over again. Here is my favorite song on the album:


Sarah Harkins said...

oops, I meant to put this on my personal bad.

prayer bedes said...

Oh, Sarah, "you not bad"! This is a wonderful post. As I have not done my Christmas decorating yet, this is an inspiration. It is time to pull out my Christmas CD's and get to work. I might even download a few new ones, like the one you posted, from iTunes. =)
Bless you!