Hullo Again--it's Jeanine from HeartFelt Rosaries.
I've just listed a Rosary featuring the highly indulgenced Pardon Crucifix, and some of you may be interested in it's history.
Its earliest history is not known, but it first came to attention at a Marion Congress in Rome under Pope St. Pius X. The Pope learned of the Pardon Crucifix through two French Priests, twins, who had converted from Judaism and founded a Carmelite Monastery at Haifa. Apparently, it was through a conversations with one of the brothers that the Pardon Crucifix was brought to the Pope's attention and permission was granted to produce it. The first approved Pardon Crucifix was given to the Cardinal presiding over the Congress in 1904.Shortly thereafter, a number of indulgences related to the Crucifix were granted. Here is a list of current indulgences:
Granted by His Holiness, Pope Pius X, to the Pius Union of the Pardon Crucifix, the aim of which is to obtain pardon of God and to pardon one's neighbor.
1. Whoever carries on his person the Pardon Crucifix may thereby gain an INDULGENCE once a day.
2. For devoutly kissing the Crucifix, an indulgence.
3. Whoever says one of the following invocations before this Crucifix may gain each time an indulgence: "Our father who art in heaven, forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us". "I beg the
Blessed Virgin Mary to pray to the Lord our God for me."
4. Whoever, habitually devout to this Crucifix, will fulfill the necessary conditions of Confession and Holy Communion, may gain a PLENARY INDULGENCE on the following feasts: the Five Wounds of Our Lord, the Invention of the Holy Cross, the Exaltation of the Holy Cross, the Immaculate Conception and the Seven Dolors of the Blessed Virgin.
5. Whoever at the moment of death, fortified with the Sacraments of the Church, or contrite of heart, in the supposition of being unable to receive them, will kiss this Crucifix and ask pardon of God for his sins, and pardon his neighbor, will gain a PLENARY INDULGENCE.
Originally, times (days and years, etc) of remission were assigned to the indulgences; that was changed by Pope Paul VI at the time of the Second Vatican Council to reflect that Indulgences are the remission before God of the temporal punishment dues to sins forgiven as far as their guilt is concerned. Prior to the Second Vatican Council, such as the time of Pope Pius X, the norm for determining was seen in the numbers, so many years or many days, attached to every official listing of partial indulgences.
This was changed by Pope Paul Vl. Now, the indulgence depends on the supernatural charity with which the indulgence task is done, and the perfection of the task itself. The Church no longer attaches “days” to indulgences, and the list above is updated to reflect that.
This Rosary uses Rose Quartz in several tones for the Aves and Paters. I think it has a soft, peaceful appeal, and I hope you like it. Other new things coming up--don't forget to check out the shop!
All for now, J
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