Monday, April 5, 2010

Prayer Suggestion for Anglican Prayer Beads by Prayerworks Studio

One of our members, Prayerworks Studio, has written some beautiful prayer suggestions for the Anglican Rosary.  Below, is just one you can find on her blog A Bead 'n A Prayer .  It is tiled "Prayer Bead Devotion: Son of God."
This week we continue in our exploration of the Trinity with a devotion that focuses on God the Son in the person of Jesus Christ.  Each of the prayers of the Cruciform Beads is based on one of Christ’s own statements about who He is, as found in the New Testament.
Cross: In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, Amen.
Invitatory Bead: “For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, so that everyone who believes in him may not perish but may have eternal life.”  (John 3:16 NIV)
1st Cruciform Bead: Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, you are the resurrection and the life, and I know that if I believe in you and confess my sins to you, I will not die but have eternal life (based on John 11:25):
1st set of Week Beads: use each bead to confess your sins to Jesus Christ, and receive his forgiveness.
2nd Cruciform Bead: Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, you are the mediator for the world, and I believe that when I ask anything of the Father in your name, it will be given to me (based on John 16:23):
2nd set of Week Beads: use each bead to pray for the needs of others and yourself.
3rd Cruciform Bead: Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, you are the supreme servant, and I understand that in order to follow you I must also become a servant (based on John 12:26):
3rd set of Week Beads: use each bead to explore the many ways in which you can, with Christ’s help, serve others.
4th Cruciform Bead: Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, you are the head of the Church, and I trust that wherever two or three of us are gathered here on earth, you will be there with us (based on Matthew 18:20):
4th set of Week Beads: use each of the beads to pray for Christ’s church, and to identify ways in which you can faithfully participate in its ministry by sharing your prayers, presence, gifts, service, and witness.
Invitatory Bead: recite the Lord’s Prayer
Cross: In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, Amen.


The Rosary Works said...

What beautiful prayers, thanks for sharing them.

Sue said...

How beautiful, thank you for sharing this resource!